SAFETY – Ammonium Hydroxide (NH4OH)


* Description

Ammonia Solution is a product resulting from the dissolution of Anhydrous Ammonia (NH3 – liquefied gas) in water at varying concentrations depending on its use.

* Other designations

Ammonium Hydroxide (NH4OH)

* Reaction

NH3 + H20 = NH4OH

This reaction is extremely exothermic and reversible. The product has the strong characteristic odor of Anhydrous Ammonia and should therefore be treated similarly in terms of Occupational Toxicology aspects.


* OSHA: 15 m STEL: 35 ppm, 24 mg/m3

* ACGIH: TWA: 25 ppm, 17 mg/m3

* NIOSHI: 50 ppm, 35 mg/m3

* ANSI: LT: 20 ppm, 14 mg/m3


* Boiling Point: 33.35 °C (*)

* Molecular Weight: 35.05 g/mol

* Melting Point: -58 °C (*)

* Densidade: 0,9101 g/cm3 (24% NH3 a 20 °C)

* Solubility in water: soluble (heat release)

* Appearance and odor: Colorless, slightly cloudy liquid. Pungent and penetrating.

(*) Literature Data


Since the reaction of Ammonium Hydroxide is extremely reversible, the reactivity data are the same as for Anhydrous Ammonia (NH3).

* Stability/Polymerization: Anhydrous Ammonia is stable when stored and used under normal storage and handling conditions. Above 450 °C, it can decompose, releasing nitrogen and hydrogen, with no polymerization occurring.

* Chemical Incompatibility: It is an alkaline gas that emits heat when reacting with acid. In contact with halogens, boron, 1,2-dichloroethane, ethylene oxide, platinum, nitrogen trichloride, and strong oxidants, it can cause potentially violent or explosive reactions. In contact with heavy metals and their compounds, it can form explosive products; in contact with chlorine and its compounds, it can result in the release of chloramine gas. Ammonia produces a significant explosive mixture when in contact with hydrocarbons. The product is also incompatible with acetaldehyde, acrolein, hydrazine, and potassium ferrocyanide.

* Hazardous Decomposition Products: Thermal decomposition of NH3 can produce toxic nitrous gases.


It is not flammable, but if a fire occurs on the vehicle, water can be used to cool the container, as heat can significantly increase the internal pressure.

* Emergency Procedures: In case of fire, there is a possibility of decomposition with the release of toxic gases. Use self-contained breathing apparatus or supplied-air respirators, and PVC clothing. Cool containers exposed to the fire.


Establish a written emergency plan for actions in case of NH3 leakage. Conduct practical training. Immediately notify security personnel, evacuate all individuals if necessary, remove all ignition sources, and provide adequate ventilation to disperse the gas. Do not touch the spilled product. Keep the wind at your back and keep bystanders away, isolating the area within a 90-meter radius. Before stopping the spill, use water in the form of a spray to reduce the concentration of Ammonia (NH3) gases around the spill area. Neutralization of large quantities of Ammonia is often not recommended due to heat release and the risk of exposure. Shortly thereafter, seal the leak with a plug if it can be done safely. Remove intact containers to a safe location. Use abundant water for dilution and mist to absorb the emitted gases.


Ammonium Hydroxide is not considered carcinogenic by OSHA.

* Risk Summary: The gas emitted by Ammonium Hydroxide can be suffocating and extremely irritating to the eyes, throat, and respiratory tract.

Depending on the duration and level of exposure, effects can range from mild irritation to severe injuries due to the alkalinity of Ammonia. Exposure to high concentrations can be dangerous for even less susceptible individuals, with adverse health effects. Exposure at concentrations of 2,500 ppm for approximately 30 minutes can be fatal. Contact with liquid Ammonia can cause severe burns to the eyes and skin. Extensive burns can lead to death.

* Main Affected Areas: Eyes, skin, and respiratory system.

* Acute Effects: Inhalation can cause respiratory difficulties, bronchospasm, burns to the nasal mucosa, pharynx, and larynx, chest pain, pulmonary edema, salivation, and urinary retention. Ingestion causes nausea, vomiting, and swelling of the lips, mouth, and larynx. Concentrated NH3 produces tissue necrosis and deep burns on contact with the skin. Contact with the eyes results in tearing, conjunctivitis, corneal irritation, and temporary or permanent blindness.

* Chronic Effects: Chronic bronchitis with reduced breathing may occur.


* Eyes: Immediate care is crucial. The first 10 seconds are critical to prevent blindness. Do not allow the victim to close or keep their eyes closed. Gently lift the eyelids and rinse immediately with water, continuing to flush with a large amount of water until medical attention is provided. Consult an ophthalmologist immediately.

* Skin: Quickly remove contaminated clothing, avoiding removal of parts of the skin. Wash the affected area abundantly with water, followed by washing with water and soap.

* Inhalation: Move to an uncontaminated and well-ventilated area. Provide oxygen if necessary. Seek medical attention.

* Ingestion: Never give anything orally to an unconscious or convulsing person. If the person is conscious, you may give water and milk. Do not induce vomiting. Seek medical attention immediately, providing information about the product.

* Note to Physician: The level of NH3 in the blood is not a useful indicator for managing exposed individuals. Clinical assessment for possible pulmonary edema and respiratory failure, along with appropriate medical intervention, is more appropriate. Consider esophagoscopy if the patient has oral and pharyngeal burns. Do not induce gastric lavage. If a significant amount was ingested, monitor for esophageal lesions. In the case of eye contamination, the solution used for washing should have a pH below 8.5.


*Goggles: Wear chemical safety glasses or face shield.

* Masks: Use respiratory protection if necessary. In large concentrations, use a self-contained mask.

* Attention: Masks with mechanical filters do not protect workers exposed to an oxygen-deficient atmosphere.

* Gloves: Use PVC gloves.

* Clothing: Use PVC clothing.

* Comments: Equip the area with showers/eye wash stations. Never eat, drink, or smoke in the work area. Practice good personal hygiene, especially before drinking, eating, and smoking.


Prevent physical damage to tanks, containers, drums, etc. Store preferably in a covered, dry, ventilated area with an impermeable floor and away from incompatible materials. It is recommended to have containment dikes in the storage area.**Engineering Controls (Collective Protection):** To reduce the potential health risks, ensure sufficient diluting ventilation or the presence of local exhaust systems to control ambient concentration to low levels.**Administrative Controls:** Maintain workplaces within occupational hygiene standards and subject employees exposed to the product to periodic medical exams, emphasizing tests for eyes, skin, and respiratory tract. Periodically educate employees about safe handling and the risks associated with Anhydrous Ammonia.

The information mentioned above refers to our knowledge and experience with the Ammonia product. Such information applies to the pure state of the product as specified. In cases of combinations or mixtures, the handler must ensure that they do not introduce any new risks. The handler should adhere to, regardless of the provided information, the relevant legislative, regulatory, and administrative texts concerning the product, hygiene, and workplace safety.